Impressions of 4.3

I didn’t expect much from 4.3.

I mean, look at Cataclysm’s track record:

Patch 4.1

Extremely difficult and punishing heroics.

Extremely difficult and punishing raids.

Slow gearing.

Wildly monotonous dailies next to a pvp zone.

Patch 4.2

Extremely difficult, reused, and punishing heroics.

Extremely difficult and punishing raids.

Slow gearing.

Wildly monotonous dailies.


With all that, who was looking forward to more of the same? Not me. I was looking forward to Transmogrification, mostly for the ability to wear t5 on my warlock again. And boy do I look awesome.

What I wasn’t expecting was Morchok. To die. On our first attempt. Dead. Huh. After taking 2 weeks to kill Magmaw and 3 weeks to kill Shannox, that was a tad bit of a shock. So our raid snagged in some extra people and went to LFR. And we cleared 4/4, raking in the loot like it was Christmas morning. Week 1 we were 3/8. Now this is more like it.

What I wasn’t expecting was Murozond. The Seriously. Getting to “reset” the fight every 20%? That is *awesome*. Hero for the whole fight. Cooldowns SPAMMED. DPS through the roof. People popping back up after they died!

The mechanics in the new dungeons were simple, easy to understand, and relatively clear in how to overcome. The lore is interesting. The dungeons themselves, short, sweet, and LOOTY.

What I wasn’t expecting was the Darkmoon Faire. Wow, are those mini-games fun.

What I wasn’t expecting was running the 3 new heroics on 4 toons and capping on valor on all 4 toons in one week. Considering I am pretty sure I have run those 3 way more than all of the trollroics on all my toons combined.


I came for the Transmog and stayed for the end game. What a shock.

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